Let’s move! Fight Covid-19

Responding to the widespread of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia, particularly in the DI Yogyakarta region, Dreamhouse Foundation is conducting an emergency fundraiser in form of money which will be used to meet the needs of a certain number of families from the assisted communities who are distributed in 12 points of the village through DIY.

Considering the Dream House as an institution that provides assistance in marginal areas, some of which are in the danger zone and are most vulnerable to pandemics, such as in the dropout and landfill area, it is necessary for us to ” help each family in the region to be educated and do independent prevention by first meeting the necessary needs.
The donations obtained will be used entirely to meet the needs of manufacturing independent disinfectants that can be refilled (refillable), washing hands with soap (CTPS), meeting basic food and multivitamin needs, and providing advice on managing the Corona pandemic by professional experts for each community in each community in 12 points.

We need your help to take place in helping each of the most vulnerable families and communities today to avoid infection and transmission of Covid-19 in the D.I. Yogyakarta area.

Donations can be transfer to a donation account:
Bank Mandiri 137-00-1114033-8
Acc. Yayasan Rumah Impian Swift Code ; BMRIIDJA

BCA Bank 0372963199
Acc. Dyah Kusuma Herjanti

Information and confirmation of donations to the number: 0822-7347-8119

Whatever the size of your aid, it will be very useful for those who need it.

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