Bullying can happen anywhere. Parents need to be equipped to recognize different types of bullying and identify if their child is involved or becomes a victim. Additionally, parents need to be prepared to take appropriate action to protect their child when bullying occurs.
On Saturday, June 8, 2024, at the Hall of The Social Welfare Coordination Body (BK3S) Yogyakarta, the Rumah Impian Indonesia Foundation held a Parents Empowering Workshop on “Child Protection from Verbal Abuse.” The speaker for this seminar was Mrs. Novi Poespita Candra, S.Psi, M.Si, Ph.D., a psychologist and lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology, Gadjah Mada University, and co-founder of the Joyful and Engagement School Movement. One of the main topics discussed in this seminar was bullying.
The event was opened by the Head of the Social Services Department of Yogyakarta, supported by the Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection Agency (P3AP2) of Yogyakarta, and BK3S of Yogyakarta. The seminar was attended by 25 families supported by the Rumah Impian Indonesia Foundation in the Special Region of Yogyakarta.