Dream Festival Jogja

dream fest

Save The Date!

On the 27th of May Think Volunteer will organize a festival at Tip Tap Toe Jogja. It’s going to be a great day with a lot of live music, loads of food, and an auction!

The festival is organized to raise money for The Dreamhouse. You can buy our entry ticket & have a great day at the festival. By doing so you will contribute to this beautiful charity which helps children live their dream!

Please spread the news and invite everyone you know so we can have a great party together!!! ❤️‍🔥

More info soon!! Follow the Dream Festival Jogja Instagram for the updates! 🤩

📌 27th of May
🕙 3pm-20pm + after party until closing time
📍 Tip Tap Toe
💵 100K

You can also donate to the charity organized by Think Volunteer! Click here.

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