Best Children Social Welfare Institution 2023

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The Jogja Children’s Award 2023 for the Best Children Social Welfare Institution (LKSA) deserves to be attributed to Rumah Impian Indonesia Foundation. The award is given as a form of appreciation and gratitude for being a social institution consistently addressing issues related to Children’s Rights in Sleman Regency.  The award was presented by Sleman Regent Kustini Sri Purnomo to the Founder of Rumah Impian Indonesia Foundation, Sammy Lapudooh, at the Parasamya Pavilion, the office of the Sleman Regency Regional Secretariat, on Tuesday (25/7).

In connection with the 39th National Children’s Day (HAN) and the 30th National Family Day (Harganas), Sleman Regent Kustini Sri Purnomo expressed appreciation for the contributions of all parties in supporting the Child-Friendly District programs in Sleman. According to her, these contributions have led Sleman to receive the Child-Friendly District award in the main category for two consecutive years. Kustini admitted to being proud of Sleman Regency’s achievements in successfully implementing the Child-Friendly District program. She invited everyone to collectively strive to create an ecosystem that supports the realization of Sleman as a Child-Friendly District.

As the culmination of the 39th National Children’s Day and the 30th Harganas, the Sleman Regency Government presented awards to Child Care Institutions, the Regional Child Protection Commission (KPAD), awards to electronic media as media partners with the strength to bring various topics to the public, awards to Child-Friendly Districts (KLA), government institutions, private sectors, child protection groups, and individuals who are concerned about realizing the protection of Children’s Rights.

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