The United Nations Convention on the rights of the child states that there are four basic rights of the child to be fulfilled. The four rights are the child’s right to survival, the child’s right to protection, the child’s right to development, and the child’s right to participation. Almost all nations in the world, including Indonesia, have signed the convention.
We must admit that there is a lack of awareness about these basic rights. The Dreamhouse Foundation through its programs is committed to ensure that the children under its care have their rights fulfilled. Moreover, the foundation is also committed to introduce these four basic rights as broadly as it can.
The Right to Survival
The first of the basic right of the child is to survival. The child has inherent right to life since they are born. The children have the right to be cared for and protected by their parents and not be separated from their families.
This right also means that the children have the right to a registered name and nationality.The government needs to safeguard these rights and provide basic services for children to survive and thrive. This includes quality healthcare for their future development.
The Right to Protection
The second basic right is the right to protection. Once children are born and survive, they have the right to be protected from all forms of harm, including domestic violence, discrimination, exploitation, and neglect.
The children have the right to practice their religious beliefs and culture freely without hindrance and intervention. The right to protection also includes being protected from child labor. Likewise, children must be protected from harmful substances and drugs. Another important aspect is protection from trafficking, smuggling, kidnapping, sexual abuse and all forms of exploitation against children.
The Right to Development
Next is the child’s right to development. The children have the right for proper education and decent standard of living. A decent standard of living is a decent enviroment needed for the children’s physical, mental, spiritual, moral, and social development.
Every child has the right for education and proper place to live. The right to development also includes the right for nutrition, leisure and rest, and the opportunity to further specialized skills and physical and mental abilities that open ways for them to a brighter future and realize their dream.
The Right to Participation
The final basic right of the child is the right to participation. The children have the right to express their thoughts, views, opinions and to they have the right to be heard, particularly in the areas affecting them.
The right to participation also means that the children have the right to access information according to their age and maturity. The children have the right to access information they need, and also to be protected from information that can be harmful for their development.
The rights of the children is the responsibility of all members of the society. As a member of the society, awareness and knowledge on the rights of the children is essential. Let us work together to realize a decent environment for the development of the Indonesian children.